Saturday, June 21, 2008

One Door Closes and Another One Opens

This morning was interesting. I checked my e-mail (of course, because I have a major e-mail checking OCD) and I had two e-mails. The first one was from the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago which I applied for an apprenticeship at. This apprenticeship is something I wanted so bad. I don't think I can possibly explain how badly I wanted it. And I actually thought I was a great candidate for the position. Well, the e-mail from them today said they had many qualified candidates blah blah blah but that I wasn't one of them. Well it didn't say that exactly but it said they couldn't offer me an apprenticeship at this time and I should apply again next year. Uggh. Whatever.

The second e-mail I open is from another theater in Chicago called Collaboraction. I found a posting for a job opening at that theater earlier this week and sent them my resume at about 2 a.m. Friday morning. So unlike Steppenwolf, who I waited nearly two months to hear back from Collaboraction responded in eight hours. Anyway, I have a phone interview for a part-time marketing coordinator!!

I just really can't get over how my first e-mail says no job for you and the next one is an interview. It's pretty exciting!! Being a marketing coordinator at a theater is basically exactly what I want to do (I think).

But now is the stressful job of trying to figure out how to sound smart and professional and act like I know what I'm talking about for my phone interview on Monday.

It's weird because I have been wanting and talking about moving to Chicago for along time now but all of a sudden I'm seriously freaking out. I think it's because it's actually a for real possiblity now. I'm close to a time where I can actually do it. However, I am beginning to doubt myself. I don't know if I really can go and move to the big city all by myself. I'm starting to really like Minneapolis and there is a much bigger performing arts community here than I had realized. I have many friends around here, it's closer to home...but on the other hand I've never imagined myself staying in Minnesota my whole life.

I guess I'll have to see how this interview goes. I'm excited for the interview but in all honesty I can't imagine that I'll actually get the job. Am I really ready for a real life job...Ugghh!! I guess...I've had two internship and a four-year degree training me in this right? SO SCARY!!

Maybe I'll move to Chicago for at least a year. Most apartment leases are for at least a I could just go and if I hate it move back. Or maybe I'll just stay here...I need guidence!!

Overall, life is great. I don't think I could be any happier in any area. Although I do get a tad bored and wish I could spend more time with my friends. But work, family/friend relationships are all good and believe it or not I might actually have a bit of a dating life!! CRAZY!!

But for some reason lately I keep getting the most ridiculous advice about meeting guys from family members. My grandma said I need to go buy a tennis racket and start playing tennis. Find a court somewhere around me and go there frequently so I can meet men. She told me to go hit some balls...
My uncle on the other hand says he'll teach me how to golf so I can meet men that way. The advice is all greatly appreciated...


Valerie Rojas Braverman said...

your comment was the very first on my blog and it made my day! good luck with your interview. i'm adding you on my blog--moral support for each other's job search!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashley! I'm bored at work and clicked on your blog. I would be super nervous as well! How did it go? I had to laugh about the dating advice bit. My family does the same thing. My friends think I should have no problem meeting men since I greet every person who walks into the credit union. My grandma thinks that there is this miracle network of available, decent men our age and there should be no shortage of men wanting to date. Plus my grandma gets on me weekly about sending out my resume because she also thinks there are all kinds of available jobs "in my major". I said to her one day.. Grandma.. do you see a section of the classifieds called "communication jobs"? No i didn't think so. So I wish you the best of luck in your search for a job. You sound excited but freaked out abotu moving to a place like Chicago.. but i think it's more scary to think about never leaving Minnesota. : ) I need to get on that.