The Fringe Festival is over. This makes me very sad. It was such a great time. I saw 22 shows total. Some really good and entertaining ones...some not so much. I really hope I can be involved with it again next year somehow. I love the people I was just all awesome!!
I am now unemployed and in two weeks I am also homeless!! Woo!! Life is on the up and up!! Haha. Ok, so a bit melodramatic but whatever. I think I have a plan though. I'm working on finding an apartment, which has not been fun yet. I'll get a few part time jobs at theaters around town because I'm not finding any real life jobs right now. As I explained to my dad earlier today I use the term "real life job" if it is a job that pertains to my degree in public relations. I am also thinking of trying to act again. I might get some headshots and start auditioning...see what happens. I'm pretty excited about my plan...I think.
I'm slightly upset right now. I have had this great idea for my next tattoo. Since I have a mild obsession with the Beatles I wanted to get a Beatles may think lame, I think awesome. This is what I was going to get across the center of my back. For some reason I thought this was a super awesome idea until I realized I wasn't the first one to have it. While browsing pictures of tattoos I found this! The exact tattoo...although I wanted it lower. I know stupid thing to be disappointed about. I shouldn't be thinking about tattoos anyway, I have no money for them.
This is the life of a recent college grad with no job...looking at tattoos and being filled with disappointment.
10 years ago